8 Ways to Prepare for Small Business Saturday | Tory Burch Foundation
8 Ways to Prepare for Small Business Saturday
Get ready for one of the biggest shopping days of the year.
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The holiday season and Small Business Saturday in particular are major opportunities for entrepreneurs. The revenue generated by Small Business Saturday is big. Shoppers spent over $23 billion at independent businesses on Small Business Saturday 2021, according to American Express. Celebrated the Saturday following Thanksgiving Day, this shopping holiday is a chance for entrepreneurs to shine and for customers to support their communities.
We’ve rounded up 8 tips and tools to help you prepare for one of the biggest shopping days of the year.
1. Register for Small Business Saturday.
Small Business Saturday is an American Express program launched in 2010 to highlight the companies and business owners making an impact in their communities. Register your business with Small Business Saturday to get listed on their Shop Small map, plus access to free digital and print marketing assets and discounts on business services.
2. Find out how your town or city supports the holiday.
Your Chamber of Commerce may be hosting events in support of Small Business Saturday. They may also have advertising materials that you can use to promote your products to the community.
3. Team up with businesses in your area.
If your Chamber of Commerce isn’t hosting an event, this may be a great opportunity to band together with other businesses in your area. Can you cross-promote your services or products? Create a gift basket with treats from both of your shops? Build relationships and get creative.
4. Get the word out
Let shoppers know about your products or services, whether they’re new or long-time favorites. Develop your holiday messaging before starting a public relations campaign ahead of Small Business Saturday. Remember: an email newsletter is still the primary way to engage your customers.
5. Keep your customers’ info safe.
We’re shopping online more than ever, which means there’s even more opportunity for security breaches. Make sure your cybersecurity is up to date so that credit card numbers and other personal information stay out of scammers’ hands.
6. Study your customers’ habits.
Understanding your customers will help you better serve them. A good way to do that? Diving into how they use your website. Learn more about Google Analytics to get started.
7. Consider a promotion.
Small businesses can’t compete with the prices at big-box stores but you can still catch customers’ attention with a special offer. Try coming up with new ways to entice them or encourage them to share how much they love your business with a friend.
8. Keep it going!
Once you’ve reached new customers, make sure you keep them! Assess whether your current marketing strategy is designed for growth. Also, continue to engage in Shop Small year round and similar small business support initiatives.
Understanding your customers will help you better serve them.
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